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Geplaatst: 15 aug 2006, 21:46
door Liquid
@ Jeroentje komen er in de toekomst ook nog inlaatspruitstukken voor de turbo of moet je dit toch helemaal zelf gaan maken?
Want ik stond bij jou op de lijst voor die nieuwe normale uitlaatspruitstukken, maar nu ik die voor de turbo zie gaat het bij mij ook jeuken. En tot wanneer loopt die introductie actie zeg maar?

Geplaatst: 16 aug 2006, 04:59
door marcel v6
Turbo is gewoon supervet :mrgreen:

Geplaatst: 16 aug 2006, 16:49
Guys, give me a couple of days and I will make a project topic on the building up of the turbo....I will say this "the Turbo Spaghetti is one of the sexiest things I have seen in a while...Its been machined smooth from the inside and all joints are welded from the inside aswell as the outside.....real Quality.

Geplaatst: 16 aug 2006, 16:51
door Mashamoto
JD GRAFFIX schreef:Guys, give me a couple of days and I will make a project topic on the building up of the turbo....I will say this "the Turbo Spaghetti is one of the sexiest things I have seen in a while...Its been machined smooth from the inside and all joints are welded from the inside aswell as the outside.....real Quality.

Looking forward mate ;)

Geplaatst: 16 aug 2006, 16:55
door WhiteFinish
JD GRAFFIX schreef:Guys, give me a couple of days and I will make a project topic on the building up of the turbo....I will say this "the Turbo Spaghetti is one of the sexiest things I have seen in a while...Its been machined smooth from the inside and all joints are welded from the inside aswell as the outside.....real Quality.

Is someone getting off here?? :lol: :roll:

Geplaatst: 16 aug 2006, 17:29
Nope allready done that by stripping my engine down and finding nothing wrong with it!!

The cylinder walls still have the factory criss cross pattern on them from being bored out and all my valves are straight and sealing perfectly......but I will go more into the details in the project topic.

Geplaatst: 17 aug 2006, 09:59
door BlackSheep
Great news man. Hope to hear her roar soon.

I'm glad that things turned out better than we thought.