Er zijn 8 resultaten gevonden

door elk-o
03 okt 2006, 21:02
Forum: Meeting reportages
Onderwerp: JAF the aftermath.. and pics!!
Reacties: 62
Weergaves: 29410

turbulence schreef: moeten die toch maar eens ergens opslaan zodat ze altijd te bereiken zijn. ( niemand wat webspace over??)

well I've got some webspace left. shouldn't be that problem
door elk-o
03 okt 2006, 10:11
Forum: Meeting reportages
Onderwerp: JAF the aftermath.. and pics!!
Reacties: 62
Weergaves: 29410

WhiteFinish schreef:Leuke foto's !!
Ik vond wel dat we erg weinig ruimte hadden voor 25 auto's en dat terwijl er nog 2 niet bij waren.

Jip I agree, it was really a little Space for the number of cars. Just standing in rows no space to present the cars really good.
door elk-o
01 okt 2006, 21:44
Forum: Meeting reportages
Onderwerp: JAF the aftermath.. and pics!!
Reacties: 62
Weergaves: 29410

well I was the last one, but it was just to keep you all excited ;)
door elk-o
01 okt 2006, 19:51
Forum: Meeting reportages
Onderwerp: JAF the aftermath.. and pics!!
Reacties: 62
Weergaves: 29410

Thanks a lot, it was a really awesome meeting. Although I couldn't talk with everyone. Here are the pictures I've taken: not many because I forgott my digital camara and had to use my mobile, but at least a few. Looking forward to a next meeting with some MX-3 ...
door elk-o
10 sep 2006, 10:41
Forum: Het Café !
Onderwerp: MX-3 modelautootjes!
Reacties: 45
Weergaves: 13858

Well, if I can help you I'll to so as I'm German my Duits is not bad ;) I although got a German ebay account.
If you have problems translating German to Dutch maybe this website will help you I often use it to translate words I don't know
door elk-o
11 aug 2006, 12:25
Forum: Het Café !
Onderwerp: Dag
Reacties: 15
Weergaves: 4661

Hey Elko, Nice to see you here ... I was in wilhelmshaven 2 month's ago but I have not seen one MX-3 .. :S What have you done here? In Wilhelmshaven are only 5 MX-3 registrated. 3 are driven by older (nearly granddads) 1 looks like a plastic bomber and not like a pimped car and mine... Where you at...
door elk-o
10 aug 2006, 17:42
Forum: Het Café !
Onderwerp: Dag
Reacties: 15
Weergaves: 4661

Thanks a lot for this friendly welcome. I'm not sure about importing the car to Holland because I heard something about tax... that I have to pay tax when I import the car to the netherlands.. how high is the tax (do you have yearly tax in the netherlands) and the insurance for an MX-3 1.6 16V preFL...
door elk-o
09 aug 2006, 23:39
Forum: Het Café !
Onderwerp: Dag
Reacties: 15
Weergaves: 4661


Hi, my dutch isn't that good (but im still learning ) so I'm writing in english. I will move to Groningen in about 14 days (my appartment is already fixed ) and stay there for some years. I hope I will get in contact with some of you guys so that I'll be not a lonley MX-3 fan in my new home country....